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80 day bikini Challenge


I've been where you are, and trust me when I say I KNOW how you feel..

I've been where you are, and trust me when I say I KNOW how you feel..

I've been where you are, and trust me when I say I KNOW how you feel..

  • You're sick and tired of looking in the mirror pointing out every imperfection

  • After months (years), you are feeling like you have lost yourself and your body shows it

  • You're OVER not feeling confident and comfortable in what you are wearing

  • You're done WISHING for your Dream Body and are Ready to lose 10 or more pounds

  • You are ready to feel at your best every damn day-and FAST


Introducing 80 Day Bikini Body Challenge

An Ultimate 30 day health and fitness OVERHAUL created to help women like you get focused, be disciplined, and be your absolute best self - mind, body AND soul.


My family was always on a tight budget and were limited to what we had. For many years, I would skip breakfast and lunch, to this day I’m not sure why. When I got home from school, my sister and I would be responsible for making dinner for our siblings, clean and get them ready for bed. I remember a lot of what we ate was pasta and bread. When I moved out, I again continued to eat a lot of pasta and would sometimes eat a bucket of ice cream for dinner.  After several years working on the ICU floor as a patient care assistance, I ended up injuring myself twice resulting in me no longer able to do my job. I ended up working desk jobs that have not only not been my dream job but have play a part in my weight gain. After all these years of eating whatever I wanted had slipped past me and I didn’t know the importance of eating healthy as I was buying what I could afford, what was easy or what I knew. I kept seeing the change, but wasn’t sure what to do. I started becoming uncomfortable in my own body. I would tell myself I needed to do something, but never did until one day I said enough was enough. I was tired of nothing fitting, I was tired of having shortness of breath with activity, I was tired of having abdominal discomfort and bloating and I was tired of not loving my body.


That brings me to where I am today. When I first heard about Beachbody I was hesitant and didn't know how it could benefit me.  I feared spending money on something unknown when we really didn't have it.  What I have learned is that,If it wasn't for these programs, I wouldn't be where I am today. I would have been playing the guessing game of diets struggling.  


Since starting these programs, I have been able to lose 30 pounds by just implementing healthy eating, exercise and getting accountability from a coach and others on the same path as me. This journey hasn't always been easy, but since I started my personal transformation I have learned to love myself again.  



Everyday, I'm grateful that I took the leap of faith in myself and in these programs because now, I'm 30 pounds lighter, more confident, able to wear those favorite jeans I couldn't fit into before and I have the ability to help others feel fit and fabulous. 


Flash Forward 30 Days From Now...

Flash Forward 80 Days From Now...

  • You're the most confident and happy version of yourself 

  • You're glowing every time you look in the mirror with excitement because you are seeing how your body is changing. Seriously

  • Your Skin is Radiant. The foods you are putting in your body are not only helping you drop the pounds but are making you healthier. 

  • You're looking forward to your next workout because it no longer feels like a punishment, but a mental and physical outlet.

  • You're rocking the Hell out of your favorite outfit

  • Your feeling Fit and Fabulous and can't wait to see what the future holds

  • You're the most confident and happy version of yourself 

  • You're glowing every time you look in the mirror with excitement because you are seeing how your body is changing. Seriously

  • Your Skin is Radiant. The foods you are putting in your body are not only helping you drop the pounds but are making you healthier. 

  • You're looking forward to your next workout because it no longer feels like a punishment, but a mental and physical outlet.

  • You're rocking the Hell out of your favorite outfit

  • Your feeling Fit and Fabulous and can't wait to see what the future holds

  • You're the most confident and happy version of yourself 

  • You're glowing every time you look in the mirror with excitement because you are seeing how your body is changing. Seriously

  • Your Skin is Radiant. The foods you are putting in your body are not only helping you drop the pounds but are making you healthier. 

  • You're looking forward to your next workout because it no longer feels like a punishment, but a mental and physical outlet.

  • You're rocking the Hell out of your favorite outfit

  • Your feeling Fit and Fabulous and can't wait to see what the future holds

How this will work

How this will work

This program is about getting results, and fast. In our time together, we're going to focus on four core elements: 

  1. Seriously cleaning up your diet. That means we'll be eliminating Everything processed for our 30 days together. Think lots of lean proteins, veggies and fruit.

  2. Thirty minute workout everyday, to get you closer to the results you want. 

  3. Daily Mindset. You're transformation is more than weight loss, its about being the best version of yourself. Therefore each day, you'll be required to spend ten minutes reflecting on your thoughts, feelings and visualize your dream body and your life. 

  4. Accountability and support. You don't have to do this alone - and you shouldn't have to. A big reason you'll see results in 30 days is because you'll have the support and accountability to KEEP GOING from myself, and others on the same mission as you.

I can't guarantee it'll be easy. But I can PROMISE you it'll be worth it. 

I can't guarantee it'll be easy. But I can PROMISE you it'll be worth it. 

What's Included??

What's Included??

What's Included??

Beachbody All Access Pass

Beachbody All Access Pass

Beachbody All Access Pass

What's better than one amazing workout? How about 600+ amazing workouts? Beachbody's All Access Pass is the PERFECT solution to help you


A month's worth of a superfood-packed protein shake. Shakeology is JAM PICKED with nutrients that allow you to feel energized and nourished AND it seriously tastes AMAZING, I promise!


I believe STRONGLY that drinking Shakeology each and every day was hugely beneficial in allowing me to shed the pounds quickly, and I know that by adding it to YOUR daily routine, you'll feel the same.




Accountability and support, especially when times get tough, are CRUCIAL for helping you STICK to your goals. This community is available ONLY to my clients that are a member of this program, and because of that, this is a safe space for you to check in daily and share - the good, the bad, and the ugly! This is where you'll also be checking in with me daily. Have a question? Feeling frustrated? I'm just a post away!

Plus Bonuses

Plus Bonuses

Register by Sunday, Oct 15th and receive the following bonuses:



 Eating healthy doesn't need to be overwhelming or complicated. This weekly printable meal planner will allow you to plan a head and help you stay on track.  Each week, I will share 1 meal idea that you can use for any of the weeks on your planner. 



In working on your body, I have learned that mindset plays a big role in helping you along your journey. You'll get a weekly printable calendar that includes motivational quotes that will help you gain confidence about your body and will help you stay motivated. 


This 1 week journal has it all.  It allows you to reflection on your goals, what your going to do each day for self love, document the meals you had, reflection how your day went and an affirmation to help keep you motivated. 

This 1 week journal has it all.  It allows you to reflection on your goals, what your going to do each day for self love, document the meals you had, reflection how your day went and an affirmation to help keep you motivated. 

This 1 week journal has it all.  It allows you to reflection on your goals, what your going to do each day for self love, document the meals you had, reflection how your day went and an affirmation to help keep you motivated. 

This 1 week journal has it all.  It allows you to reflection on your goals, what your going to do each day for self love, document the meals you had, reflection how your day went and an affirmation to help keep you motivated. 


This list will not only help you plan your grocery list, check your items off as you are in the store, but removes the guessing game of what is healthy and not healthy to buy. 



Refer a friend to join!!!! If your friend signs up and neither of you return your product with, you will get


  • A List of 15 Easy Snack Ideas to help you Kick start your weight loss journey

  • My 6 Favorite Healthy Recipes

  • Performance Hydrate 10 pack to help you stay hydrated during your workout ($23.00 Value)


Ready?? Lets do this!

Questions? Not sure if this is right for you?

Simply email me - - and I'll get back to you right away!

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