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Body image

The media plays a huge role in what we feel we need to look like, dress like and be like. We live in a society where we have grown up seeing these images everywhere such as; tv, movies, magazines etc. We start comparing ourselves to the media thinking we need to look like that to be successful, to be happy, to love ourselves, to be loved. The truth is, the media is hiding from reality. ​ The media use size 2 models and photoshops their imperfections to make them look healthy and in hindsight make us compare ourselves and wish we looked like that. The food industry starts pulling at our heart strings to make us believe that specific foods are a healthy alternative to help have the body we desire. We start allowing society to make us believe that “Low Fat”, “Fat Free” items will help us lose weight and allow us to be healthier, but in reality that is far from the truth. The mirror starts to be our worst Enemy. We start judging the way we look because we don’t look the way that we feel others think we should look like. We start putting ourselves down, start believing we are less than what we are. We start searching for the right answers to make us happy and have no idea where to turn or where to begin. We start to feel depressed, lost, lonely, unloved, start experiencing low self-esteem and are in a spiral that is out of control. We start having problems with relationships, work and school because we lack confidence in ourselves. It’s time to start looking in the mirror and loving you for who you are. Keep in mind, there is no quick fix but starting to work on yourself is the first step to success. 5 steps you can take today to get started

1). Start meditating daily- Look for self-love mediation that can help improve how you feel about yourself. 2). Take time to enjoy the things you love 3). Join a program that helps you focus on your health/fitness goals and motivates/inspires you to love yourself 4). Start performing positive affirmations everyday and repeat them several times 5). Surround yourself with people who support you, love you and inspire you to be the best version of you

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