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Beachbody is coming to the United Kingdom

Team Beachbody is Expanding to More Countries:

Coming Soon United Kingdom

Have you Heard??? I'm So EXCITED I can't hold it back.....

Sometimes the greatest updates comes in a blogs. In January, Beachbody had announced that they would be expanding our services and products into other countries. As of May 2017, it has be announced that Beachbody is heading to the United Kingdom. There is no date as of yet but its expected to launch FALL 2017.

What does this mean?? The best is yet to come. There is no other program like this that focuses on Health and fitness in the convenience of your own home and have the ability to be our own boss.

Mind Blown Right??

There Are 2 opportunities to Team Beachbody that you can take advantage of in the United Kingdom.

1). Becoming a Beachbody Customer/Challenger You can become a Beachbody challenger/Customer and work with me as your coach. Beachbody has an amazing amount of fitness programs that provide my challengers with AMAZING Results. You may have heard of some of these programs such as P90x, T25, 21 day fix, core de force, and so many more. Not only do they offer these programs on DVD, but Beachbody has also developed an incredible digital platform called Beachbody on Demand. Beachbody on demand allows you to stream any program Beachbody has created on many digital devices. Your workouts are right at your finger tips with the ability to workout anywhere, anytime as long as you have Wifi. To learn more about Beachbody On demand Click Here! (Link to another blog)

On top of the incredible fitness programs you have the opportunity to utilize the amazing nutrition products Beachbody has to offer including Shakeology. You maybe wondering, what is shakeology??? Shakeology is a complete nutrition shake that has helped me improve my overall health. It is packed with SUPERFOODS- Vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probitics, antixidants & digestive enzymes and more...

As a customer, you get to be part of my community on facebook that is there to help motivate you, inspire you, and support you during your health journey. As a couch, I will help you sustain a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutrition, portion control and exercise.

2. Becoming one of the first Beachbody Coaches in the United Kingdom

The second opportunity Beachbody has to offers is becoming a coach on my team. When you become a coach, you become an independent distributor. The biggest role of being a coach isn't to sell the products, but to help others. You will guide others in their health and fitness journeys while achieving your own health and fitness goals. You will help others live a healthier, happier and fulfilling life. As a coach, you will support your challengers in a virtual health and accountability community by providing them support, motivation and the tools they need to succeed. Coaches also have the opportunity to generate income through commissions, bonuses and more!!

Whether your looking to quit your 9-5 job or just earn a little extra cash, Beachbody gives you the opportunity to determine how you want to run your business. I'm blessed to be part of a team that has been Ranked Top #2 in 2016!! When you join my team, we will provide you with all the tools, systems and support you need to start building your business. All you need is a passion to help others, willing to work hard for what you want, Wifi and to love heath and fitness.

Click here to learn more about being a Beachbody Coach If you are in the United Kingdom and would like to learn more about what Beachbody has to offer for products, services, joining our team and learning about the launch, complete the form below and join my facebook group.

You can also stay up to date with new launch information by signing up to receive email notifications.

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